Controls two pairs of speakers. The SPS2A is fitted with separate volume controls, speaker on/ off, and speaker protection on/off switches.
The SPS2A allows independent volume control and on/ off capability for up to two pairs of speakers. You choose where and how loud the music is in a particular location, without effecting the entire system. The speaker selection/ volume control system is equipped with premium 10-step volume controls that maintain full 30dB dynamic range givingyou the maximum adjustment capability.
- 50 Watts RMS per channel
- High quality, durable metal cabinet
- Push-type speaker terminals x 12 (Amp L&R in, Speaker 1 L&R and Speaker 2 L&R out)
- Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 individual on/off switches
- Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 individual volume control knobs
- Speaker protection (impedance correction) circuit with on/off switch
- Playing 2 pairs of speakers (8ohms), set protection to out position
- Playing 2 pairs of speakers (4ohms), press in protection button
{tab Specifications} - Power handling: 50 Watts RMS per channel
- Attenuation (Volume): 10-position volume control
- 1st position (fully counter clockwise): Volume off
- 2nd and 3rd position: attenuate 6dB per step (6dB increase in vol)
- 4th to 9th position: attenuate 3dB per step (3dBincrease in vol)
- 10th position: Maximum volume
- Channel separation at 1 KHz: 38dB normal
- Cross talk between channels at 1 KHz: 50dB normal
- Speaker terminal wire size: 14-22 AWG
- Dimensions: 218 (W) x 150 (D) x 55 (H) mm