Working mode: asynchronous working?point-to-point or point-to-multipoint 2 wires (half duplex) 4 wires (full duplex)
Single chip USB to asynchronous serial data transfer interface
Direction control: Adopt the technology which automatically controls the data-flow direction?automatically distinguish and control the data-transmission direction;
Support Bits per second Data transfer rates from 300 baud to 921600baud;
UART interface support for 7 or 8 data bits,1 or 2 stop bits and even/odd/mark/space/none
.Flow control none, hardware and xon/xoff
Synchronous and asynchronous bit bang interface options with RD# and WR# strobes
Transmission distance: RS-485/422 port:1.2km (300bps-921600bps).USB port : No more han 5 meters
Interface protection: surge protection and ±15KV ESD protection
Load capability; Support point-to-multipoint transmission. Each converter can connect 32 RS-422 or RS-485 interface equipment
Signal indication: indicator lights for Power (PWR), Send (TXD) and Receive (RXD)
Transmission media: twisted-pair cable or shielded cable;